30 billion powerful probiotics cannot be wrong

Another wonderful new business win has resulted in another wonderful client for us over here at Epsilon. And with it comes an exciting new product launch!

Primadophilus® Fortify™ from Nature's Way gives you 30 billion live cultures in every pill. And what I've learned about probiotics would amaze you.

Did you know that  cultures in yogurt are tested at the time of manufacturing? Which means they are then packaged, shipped, stored, put into store coolers, your shopping cart, your fridge and finally your mouth. And THEN the ones who don't die in transport are killed off by your stomach acid. (Thanks to my buddy Curt Munk for THAT education!)

At any rate, the beauty of Fortify is that they deliver 30 BILLION live cultures, guaranteed, in one simple pill. And why do we need probiotics?

According to the Mayo Clinic, there's encouraging evidence that probiotics may help:

  1. Treat diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics; 
  2. Prevent and treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections 
  3. Treat irritable bowel syndrome Speed treatment of certain intestinal infections 
  4. Prevent or reduce the severity of colds and flu 
I had no idea a probiotic could help prevent colds and flu, but apparently much of our immune health is in our stomachs.  Again, the things you learn in advertising. Jim and I are now taking them daily.

Armed with this great education, we've helped our new friends at Nature's Way launch this product and you can find it at Walmart.  Even better, you can click here for a $5 off coupon (for a limited time!)

Be 30 billion strong every day.