Giddy ramblings about my six-day-old Pad

I am now 6 days into iPad ownership. In fact, I am using it to write this entry. And all I can say is wow.

First of all, I'll admit I'm a tech geek and Apple junkie. My 1990 Mac Classic has a place of honor in our guest room, much to my husband's chagrin. And yes, I own many Apple 'firsts' from the first Mac clamshell to the iPod, iPhone, and now the iPad.

When I got the iPhone, I declared to everyone I knew that "this changes everything." And it did. From productivity at work, to managing my health, to keeping in touch with family and friends, the iPhone has allowed me to do more - and enjoy it more - every day. And now this.

What surprised me the most was just how much I love this goofy thing. I could talk about the incredible speed with which the screen changes orientation, or the incomprehensible battery life. The sexy interface, beautiful form, amazing resolution. And all the apps!

I downloaded the ABC app and watched LOST yesterday. I'm a big time shifter, but usually I watch it on Comcast OnDemand. I've been trying to break up with Comcast for years, but the thought of watching tv shows at my desk or kitchen table, instead of a cozy couch, keeps me in a very unhealthy relationship.

All week I've been reviewing rough cuts on my iPad. Sure, I've been doing it on my iPhone, but let's be honest - that's a bandaid for when I can't get to a computer. I can also actually READ copy in Word documents easily. I actually had to buy readers from Walgreens to read copy on my iPhone. (It's true.)

Reading a newspaper online suddenly makes SENSE to me! The dual orientatation of the iPad means I can read websites and newspapers in portrait OR landscape. I sat on my sofa with a nice cup of Joe and thoroughly enjoyed the newspaper last Sunday. I highly recommend looking at your fav sites in portrait mod. The entire concept of 'below the fold' has changed for me.

Perhaps most interesting to me, as an advertiser, is the news about iAds released yesterday. Apple taking on AmazonKindle was one thing. I have Kindle for iPhone anyway so moving it to my iPad is a no-brainer. Apple taking on Google, however, is a lot like watching two friends getting into an argument in front of you. Especially when you never saw it coming.

My friends, we live in very interesting times. We have seen so much technology in so short a time that it boggles my mind. My brother and his family are in Ireland right now, and they're sending me pics of themselves from the Cliffs of Mohrer, that I receive moments after they are taken. I like them, click them, and make them my iPad background, They are still standing there, and a continent away they are already a desktop pattern. When I went to Ireland in 1993, I made one call home to tell my Mom I arrived safely and it was maybe a minute long. I came home and waited a week for my film to be developed. Those images are languishing in a drawer someplace. It gives me pause.

Most of all, it makes me wonder where this iPad will find it's place of honor in my house a decade from now. And what amazing technology I will be writing about then, pointing to my iPad as an example of 'remember when.'