3 Keys to Keep Calm to Carry On
We've all been there. That chasm of insanity where everything is hitting you all at once, from clients to coworkers to your own family. You have no time, little information, pressing deadlines, and no way out except to keeping going forward. These are the times that try even the most unflappable among us, but over the years I've learned a thing or two (or three) that can help make it better.
1. Take a breath.
I'm new to meditation, and I am really, really bad at it. Sometimes I cannot stop my mind from racing, and even sitting on my "zafu" meditation pillow or using my Headspace app doesn't always help me find my place of zen. But one minute of breathing — just one minute — can often be the key to calming down. And there is nothing so severe or disastrous that you can't spare a minute. Before you reject this idea and read on, seriously take the next sixty seconds and just relax, and focus on your breathing. See? You already feel a little bit better.
2. Take a break.
Claustrophobia. When everything is coming at you at once, it feels a lot like claustrophobia, especially when you have a lot of people in your face trying to get an answer, a decision or a moment of your time. I have learned that in those moments, it is best to simply take a break. I have said to people "I will be back to give you an answer in fifteen minutes" and then walked out of the room. You can't think clearly when being pelted like that. So simply take a break and get away from the people and the situation. Go for a walk, grab a cup of coffee, or just stare out the window. But take a break from the noise and chaos and do something else for a little while. You'll be amazed at how helpful that can be.
3. Refuse to be discouraged.
The truth is, we have complete control over how we react, even if we can't control a single thing that is happening to us. I put this phrase on my board in my office and I look at it when I start to feel overwhelmed. We can so readily give in to discouragement if we look at all the reasons why something can't be done or why we can't succeed. So don't even listen to your inner nay-sayer. (OR your outer ones.) Refuse to be discouraged and simply keep moving forward. That simple change of mindset usually makes all the difference in the world.
So there you have it. My 3 keys to keeping calm to carry on. Have some of your own? I'd love to hear them. so please share in the comments!